Website: raadvanstate.nl
Heritage weekend (Open Monumentendagen) 2022
On the 10th and 12th of September it was Heritage Weekend in The Hague. Palace Kneuterdijk a.k.a. the White Palace also opened the doors to the public. People could walk around and even meet Anna Pauwlona, who used to live here with King Willem II in the 19th century. In the Gothic Hall were concerts on the original Bätz organ and a choir accompanied by a piano. In the Ballroom was a throne. People could take a selfie here and we had a price for who posted it on social media with a special hashtag.
I’ve also given my parents a tour around the palace and showed them where I work.
The Hague Highlights
This is an art project in The Hague in which iconic buildings in the city center participate. Several artists tell the city’s iconic stories using light, projections, installations, art, performances etc.
More information: https://thehaguehighlights.nl/en/
A ‘Kneuter’ is a bird (a toddler). A long time a ago, before the buildings were here, this street (Kneuterdijk) was a ‘dijk’ (dike). One of the stories why this street is named after these birds is: these toddlers were brought here to lure finches.
Royal walking tour

In this series on social media we talk about art and historic moments or people from Palace Kneuterdijk. And give information about interesting places to visit connected to Palace Kneuterdijk.